The only place in town

Woman on a hot air balloon

Jo Bailey tells us of her favourite view of Bristol

Jo and her husband Clive own and operate Bailey Balloons and have been piloting Champagne Hot Air Balloon Flights over Bristol and the South-West for well-over two decades. Jo is one of only a few female commercial hot air balloon pilots in the world, which has led her to fly in many countries and taken part in projects with Sir David Attenborough and Land Rover. Jo & Clive got engaged in a hot air balloon at 8,000 feet over Bath and took flight once more from Thornbury Castle on their wedding day.

I have lived in Bristol since 1984.

What I love about it most, is that it feels like a small city, but it has so much going on.

From lively bars and restaurants, to theatre, art galleries – there is a vibrancy to it like nowhere else. I love that there are many wonderful greenspaces, allowing for beautiful walks both inside the city & just outside.

Bailey Balloons main image

My favourite view of Bristol has to be from a balloon! I love flying from Ashton Court over the Harbourside.

I never tire of it, and it has been wonderful to see the changes in this area over the years and how fabulous it looks.

I always feel immense pride when I fly over it, from seeing the SS Great Britain, to the smaller boats in the harbour, and people out on the sparkling water – it has a unique magic to it. I may be biased, but Bristol is best viewed from the air!

Bailey Balloons operate private balloon flights, as well as shared flights. To find out more, visit their website  here.
