A short stroll along the south channel of the river brings you to the industrial docklands. The old and decaying structures may seem at first, a strange place to bring someone of a day out to Cork but trust me! At the very end of this forbidding walkway, you will be greeted with the smells and sounds of Cork’s biggest market, The Marina Market. Here you will find over 35 unique stalls and vendors offering an array of food, coffee, trinkets, and antiques. It is the perfect spot to grab a bite to eat while taking in the atmosphere, buzzing with activity and excitement.
Located on my favourite street McCurtain street, on the north side of the city. Here you will find one of Cork’s hidden gems, Mother Jones’s Flea Market, a treasure trove of antiques, curios, and long forgotten trinkets. Here you can buy anything from fur coats to old street signs, if allowed I could spend hours here perusing through all the weird and wonderful items inside.
Triskel Arts Centre is a vibrant cultural hub in the heart of Cork city plays host to an array of classical and jazz concerts, cultural cinema, visual art exhibitions and literary events. Their Gallery Space, located on the first floor is a dedicated exhibition room where a diverse exhibition programme features contemporary local artists. When time allows, I love to peruse this gallery and feel an immense sense of pride for the talent of display by my fellow Corkonians.