Giovedì, 16, Febbraio 2017
The modern way to explore London. Forget the tourist books and let these Instagram influencers be your guides
Rosie Londoner
Rosie Londoner – You won’t be the first, or the last. Rosie shot to digital fame way back when Instagram was just a twinkle in Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom’s eyes. She now has 279,00 followers on the photo sharing app. Although her pictures take you all over the world, she is a Londoner at heart and will direct you to the best exhibitions, restaurants and shopping tips in town.
Poppy Loves London – Poppy’s blog and Instagram posts have a really warm and welcoming feel to them. You’ll find her cruising around markets, reviewing charming cafes or working on campaigns to help #WarmUpLondon (her initiative to donate hot water bottles to homeless people). If you want an insiders guide to the city, this is it.
Anna Eleri Hart – Anna has been running her blog for six years, after what started out as a hobby turned into a full-time job. Her Instagram account documents her very stylish life as she sails around London looking impeccable. For excellent shopping advice, as well as glamorous things to do, scroll through Anna’s feed.
Clerkenwell Boy
Clerkenwell Boy- For the ultimate foodie’s tour through London you must follow Clerkewell Boy on Instagram, 153,000 other people will agree with us. I frequently wonder if he is enormously fat as his life seems to involve the most delicious amount of food – all shot beautifully.
A Lady in London – An expat’s eye on London from a Californian, this Instagram account shows off the best of London’s hidden nooks and crannies. She hones in on specific neighbourhoods and what to do in them.
Mondomulia - Rome-born Giulia is the coffee and brunch queen of London. As the co-founder of @IGBrunchClub, she provides curated brunch inspiration for her followers, one tasty post at a time.
Mr Whisper
Mr Whisper – Less of a tour guide and more of a reporter, Mr Whisper documents the reaility of London life through beautiful, artistic photographs. From the iconic – Tower Bridge, Big Ben and The House of Parliament – to the mundane – workers on the Underground, Black Cabs and homeless people – this is London.
Josephowen – Photographer Joseph captures the most beautiful images using only his iPhone. His imagery takes followers around the world but home is London where he photographs details of restaurant interiors, historic buildings and special spaces.
Siobhaise – Founder of Pretty City London (another beautiful Instagram account) and has an eye for beautiful things. Both accounts chronicle seriously lovely sights and hidden gems around London – from bookshops to cafes and restaurants.
A_ontheroad – Parisian expat in London, Alex, documents his life in London via a feed filled with beautiful street corners, cafes, markets and his daily life around Notting Hill.