星期一, 17, 四月 2023

Filed under:
The Kensington

Coronation Cocktails: How to Make The Kensington’s Earl Grey Cordial

Join us at The Kensington this May and toast to King Charles III with our homemade Earl Grey Cordial

Whether you’ve sipped and savoured our special coronation cocktail, the Cornish Garden, at The K Bar [GC1] , or if you are planning to raise a glass at home to King Charles III, you’ll want to try Bar Manager, Adrian Gonzalez Parrondo’s homemade Earl Grey Cordial.

Read on for how to make it at home…


Recipe: Earl Grey Cordial


1 bag Earl Grey tea

250ml water

250ml white sugar

3g citric acid or 25ml lemon juice



Pour 250ml boiled water into a pan and add one Earl Grey teabag. Let it infuse for 5 minutes (do not heat it yet) before removing the teabag and adding the sugar and citric acid/lemon juice. Heat at a low temperature until the sugar has dissolved. Add to a 500ml bottle and keep in the fridge for up to one month.


Coronation cocktails main image


Discover all our coronation cocktails, available at The Kensington, The Marylebone and The Bloomsbury  in London and The Bristol on Bristol’s Harbourside.