Slice of the City
As a long time denizen of Cork, the city and its meandering paths have provided me with many a favourite place, from the graceful edges of the Glucksman gallery (naturally) to the narrow and super-steep steps up Shandon Tower.
For visitors to the city, I recommend exploring on foot and making the climb up to the top of Patrick’s Hill – a charming enough street in its own right – for the panoramic vistas of Cork from Bell’s Field.
When I first started working in Triskel Arts Centre, I bought a little terraced house on Goldsmiths Avenue just beyond Bell’s Field. I adored the view of the steeples and rooftops as I walked over the green every day.
It’s not just about the city’s historic higgledy-piggledy skyline either; from here you can really get a sense of being surrounded by nature and Cork’s proximity to the countryside.
The changing skies shift the light constantly and so it always feels like a different place. When it is sunny, it’s the best place in town for a quiet picnic overlooking the hustle and bustle below.
Plans to develop on Bell’s Green have been shelved for now, but I truly hope it’s kept as the precious green space it is today.