mardi, 01, novembre 2016
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (Picture credit: Rich Girard)
During the run up to the US Presidential Elections it has been hard to believe that the whole race hasn’t just been some ridiculous farce, a theatrical performance put on for our benefit. The never-ending jaw-dropping moments have been worthy of an episode of House of Cards. But the show is almost over (or really about to begin, depending on how you look at it) and you won’t want to miss the series finale. Whether for good or bad the atmosphere on 8th November will be electric and The Kensington’s K Bar is getting in on the drama by live streaming the results between 6pm and 6am.
And if you’re going to stay up until dawn then you’re going to need some sustenance. How does grilled cheese sandwiches with Jarlsberg, caramelized shallots and avocado sound? Or maple cured smoked salmon with crème fraîche on toasted potato waffles and, our personal favourite, Montgomery Cheddar chilli dogs.
Get a free Hell Toupee cocktail with your ticket
Cocktails will be crafted by our award-winning bar manager Ben Manchester and include Other Side of the Wall (Tapatio Reposado Tequila, grapefruit bitters, sugar, zest); Swing State (Smoked Texas Corn whisky, Bourbon, wood bitters, maple spice, zest); Democratic Immunity (Maker’s Mark, lemon, sugar, red wine, egg white); and White Lady (Pneu Version) (Deaths Door Gin, Solerno, Lemon, Egg White).
Tickets for The K Bar’s US Election Night cost £20 including a complimentary cocktail; Hell Toupee, which is a take on the traditional Manhattan made with Rittenhouse Rye Whisky, Kings Ginger Liqueur and Belsazar White. Buy tickets on the Town House website or Event Brite
Rather than heading into work, book a bedroom from £195 (exclusive of VAT) and hit the hay straight after the results.