jeudi, 04, février 2016
February is a tricky month – we can feel that spring is just around the corner, but still have to put up with crazy weather, chilly nights and seemingly endless rain. On top of all that, it seems like everyone has a bug of some kind. We need to keep as healthy as we can in the winter, and there’s a key ingredient that we can all use to keep the lurgy at bay.
Ginger is an anti-septic, an anti-inflammatory, a natural painkiller and great for digestion. It’s also a fantastic soother for a sore throat, and it boosts the immune system. On top of all of this, it tastes great and works like a little hot water bottle!
One of the best ways to ingest ginger is by popping it into a juice. You’re releasing all of the magical properties of the spice without cooking it, so you get an instant whack of goodness.
The Mercer juice by The Juicery features ginger as its powerhouse ingredient. In combination with apple, carrot and mango, this is the perfect wintertime juice. You can now get it in each of the Doyle Collection hotels, but if you want to try to make your own at home, we have the recipe below…
Blend all ingredients together and serve over ice, with a sprig of mint.
The Juicery measures are precise to ensure each juice tastes the same in every hotel. Experiment at home to see which quantities you enjoy!
Let us know if you make your own juice by tagging us. Don't forget the hashtag - #Doylefeelgood!
Read about the launch of The Juicery here, and learn how to make the Vine green juice here.